Monday, October 29, 2012

Controlling Pornography over the Internet


            The world today developed very quickly, many different devices updated every year.  But in the wake of those new developments, some troublemakers found their way to do some illegal things.  For example, they create a computer virus to destroy the entire network in a particular area; they posted some pornography in the Internet to cause some youth criminal; they use their technology to steal other person’s privacy.  We cannot allow those kinds of things to spread, so more and more technical methods created to prevent the internet crime.  The internet pornography has ruined many teenagers; it should be controlled and corrected.  I think we should control pornography over the internet, and the technical methods would be the most powerful ways to prevent it.


            Richardson, Resnick, Hansen, Derry, and Rideout (2002) states that “Many computers have software designed to block access to Internet pornography. Because pornography-blocking software cannot perfectly discriminate between pornographic and nonpornographic Web sites, such products may block access to health information sites, particularly those related to sexuality.”  So the internet blocking must be required for every computer that is available for children.  In this technology era, it seems like everyone or every household has computer and other mechanical devices.  It is easily to connect to the internet and see some pornographic information.  If the internet did not have some block for the pornography, children can easily click into the web site and see them.  It is not good for children’s healthy growing.  Putting a block in the internet can decrease parents’ concerning for their children.  And there has come more and more different method to control pornography over the internet. Telenor and KRIPOS, the Norwegian National Criminal Investigation Service (2004) has noticed that “The filter, which is one of the first of its kind, will prevent access to web sites containing sexual abuse of children.”  This will help the children to search some health information that does not contain any pornography.  And it also can make parents feel relax when they do not with their children.  People can enjoy the convenient of internet and the benefit of internet block.

Legal Perspective

             In legal perspective, the person who posted the pornography in the internet that destroyed others computers are an illegal action.   And also children can easily be influenced by these things.  Thomas Holt, assistant professor of criminal justice has noticed that “Lack of self-control was also a major predictor” (“Youth cybercrime” 2011).  Most children are curious about everything, if they see the internet pornography, they will curious about it and then do something that is illegal.  Eke, Seto, and Williams (2011) has states that  “We examined police occurrence and criminal records data for a sample of 201 registered male child pornography offenders originally reported by Seto and Eke (Sex Abus J Res Treat 17:201-210, 2005), extending the average follow-up time for this sample to 5.9 years.”  We can see that the children criminal rate has increased.  Child is a country’s future, if most children have been ruined, and who will build the country become more powerful?  Some hackers connect virus to pornography, if you click into pornography, your computer will die.  It makes many people have a headache when it happens to them.  The government has chosen some ways to punish those illegal actions, but there still have some more that we cannot find.  Someone who is doing illegal things should be given some punishments, so there would be less people follow them. 

Ethical Perspective

            In ethical perspective, I think we should do more to control pornography over the internet.  In ethic, people can have different point of view for what they want to do and how they will do.  But I think most people may have the same opinion on controlling pornography over the internet because it is not a good thing for their children, and it can affect their children’s whole life.  Albert, Lang, Yates, and S (2011) has said that “The rate of growth of the Internet shows no signs of abatement; on the contrary, new technological advances are emerging so quickly that legislator and regulatory bodies find themselves in a constant fire-fighting exercise in dealing with ethical issues of major public interest.”  New technology developed very quickly, so there would be more technological methods to control pornography over the internet.  In ethical aspects, the person, who created the pornography in the internet that did not have block for children, does not have common sense in human.  It is easily to think about that children are not available to see pornographic imagines, but they still did that to children and caused many children criminals.  They should to think about more and stop doing harmful things to children.  It is extended to ethical issues, not only personal problem.

Social Perspective

            In social perspective, I think sometimes the pornography can influence a group of people.  For example, some workers may give up their work and wallow in watching pornographic imagines.  Some students may enjoy in pornography and ignore their school work.  These caused the whole social world to go down and may cause some problems.  James, Rebovich, Lurigio, Karin, and Stowell (2012) has stated that “In the four California cases, we do not know what triggered the decision to commit suicide; however, the cases did raise questions about the impact of aggressively pursuing child pornography and other forms of Internet sex crime.”  From this we can see although we do not know what causes the suicide; we can still say that it should be connected to pornography.  It led to a negative influence between the social lives.  It may affect the steady atmosphere in human’s lives and make people feel dread in the environment that they live.  The pornography can cause many different bad results; it should be controlled in some ways that can limit people to see it.

Security Perspective

            In security perspective, it is not safe to let child to use internet alone.  The newspaper concluded that “Timothy Whitaker, age 45, of Baltimore, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to receiving and distributing child pornography over the internet, and possessing over 8,500 images of child pornography and over 630 videos of suspected child pornography” (“Baltimore man” 2011).  We can learn from the fact that one person can create much pornography over the internet, so there would be thousands of those kinds of things in internet.  It makes the internet not safety for children.  The Justice Department's May 2006 reported that “A computer-savvy user can access these (child pornography) groups by using techniques that hide his/her identity by concealing his/her true IP address” (“Opinion” 2011).  This makes us more difficult to find a way to prevent pornography over the internet.  Right now, we promote to get on the internet safety, so the security of the internet is required.  But it needs everyone to work together and make it safety.  So strongly control pornography over the internet can make the internet more security for everyone.


            The world is developed very quickly, many different kinds of technology spread widely over the world.  Following the quickly spread of the technology, it would be come out a new development that can totally control the pornography over the internet.  If it happens, the children would have a security way to search or play on the internet.  And also, parents do not need to worry about their children would be influenced by internet pornography.  Controlling pornography over the internet is an imperative thing that we need to do in recently year.  It has received some success, but we still need to work on it.  If we can figure it out and solve the entire problems over the internet pornography, it will decrease the suicide rate and child criminal.  Our world may become more and more safety and healthy.






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